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Belciugatele Archaeological Area, Calarasi county

Within village territory, the archaeological research (systematic, or random) has pointed out the existence of human settlements along an impressive span of time, from eneolithic (V millenium, b. Ch., Mariuta, Gostilele ), till the early Middle Ages (Dridu culture, IX – XII centuries AD, Mariuta, Belciugatele, Gostilele), including settlements of LaTene period (II century, b. Ch. – I century AD, Belciugatele, Gostilele) and Santana-Cerneahov (IV – V centuries AD , Mariuta, Gostilele). The existing data are typical for for emphasizing the evolution of human settlements along a river with dynamic changes along millenia. Unhapilly, the archaeological research is rather unbalanced. In just one case, namely the eneolithic tell from Mariuta, there have been research diggings with the purpose of solving one of the most important problems, i.e. delimiting the construction and funeral perimeters. In all other cases, the existent information is filled with gaps. Emphasizing these situations and their defining from a social point of view are extremely important for better knowing an area considered characteristic for human settlements along a river in the Romanian Field.
Research for this area is very important for:
- defining the dynamics of human settlements in time;
- getting all the information necessary for knowing the archaeological heritage and also for protecting the sites against possible anthropical distructions;
- completing and finishing both the National Archaeological Repertory and County Archaeological Repertory about this area, a priority for Cult and Culture Ministry;
- implementing the results in local development plans;
- making the local comunities aware of existing heritage values which can become real arguments for a long development.

Archaeological Area Saveni, Ialomita county

In this area, the known archaeologic information suggests the existence of a territory inhabited along many historic ages and periods, Neolithic – Boian culture (VI millenium b. Ch.), Eneolithic – Cernavoda I culture (V millenium, b. Ch.), necropolis from bronze age (possibly from XVI – XIV centuries, b. Ch.). Here, there is also a mound dated X-XII centuries, AD. Particularly important for better knowing the transition period to bronze age, there is the settlement assigned to Cernavoda I culture, location „La Movile” (code RAN 94385.01), because this is the moment when indo-european populations from the Northern coast of the Black Sea penetrate the Northern Danube area. Archeological research also began here due to the fact that this site is threatened by the distructive action of pluvial waters which already have damaged it. This is the only settlement pertaining to this culture for the last two decades, except the Harsova settlement wher the research had a survey character. Up till now there is little information about organisational type, facilities and using of construction perimeters for these communities considered to be of sheperds.

Archaeological area in Luncavita, Tulcea county

The settlement-tell from Cetatuia point is place on the relatively high edge of the Luncavita stream terrace, 4 km south of the homonymous village and 2 km from the eastern limit of Macin Mountains. The main objective of research programme, that includes the mentioned tell, takes in consideration the studying and understanding the human communities evolution living in a micro zone – strictly individualised from geographical viewpoint –, over a period of time well specified. A special attention is paid to the connections established by these with the natural environment, the way of using and managing the available natural resources. One of the research goals follows the identifying of possible connections between the tell and the other eneolithic sites signalled in the micro zone. A different situation was recorded on the terrace situated west from two ditches at the edge of the tell. The surface researches, accompanied by soundings done with a core barrel, have allowed individualisation of seven areas defined on the recorded materials concentration. The analysis of these materials indicates the presence of Gumelnita communities. At the present stage of the research is difficult to specify the existing connections between two major points (the tell and the Gumelnita presence on the rest of the terrace).

Archaeological area in Bordusani, Ialomita County

Through investigation of archaeological remains from the village we have been able to chart the history of human habitation here right up to the present day. For example to the right of the road that goes to Fetesti, in the area which used to be the IAS-Bordusani, graves dating from the fourth and third century B.C have been found. In the actual centre of the village, pots and human bones have been discovered which certify the existence of a necropolis from the fourth century A.D. Significantly, these items have been discovered at a depth of more than 2 m, suggesting the existence of some ample and very rapid modifications of the area, due to the change of course of one of the largest Danube River branches, Borcea, and to the flooding caused by it. During summer, when the water flow decreases, archaeological remains of the Dridu Culture from the fifth to the twelfth century have been found on the eastern shore. Their most important monument was Popina-Bordusani. This is located in the Balta Ialomitei, or the Ialomitei Pond, an area with an insular aspect from the Danube’s alluvial plane. It is continuously being flooded and presents an important geomorphologic complexity consisting of a series of alluvial deposits characterized by the presence of numerous channels, lakes, and ponds, which are separated by alluvial grounds of sand. Situated nearly 2,5 km north from the right shore of the Borcea River, at an altitude of only 10-11 m above the sea level because it has been and continues to be frequently flooded.